10 July 2010

A Few Things [including a winner]

Thing 1: Saturday is Crafty Day is on hold until next week. I'm having some Internet trouble [and I am getting rather frustrated].

Thing 2: The winner of the Straight Stitches giveaway is Hungry for Living! I'll be e-mailing you soon with details.

Thing 3: If you'd like to host a giveaway on along for the ride, send me an e-mail at iamalongfortheride[at]gmail[dot]com. I'd love to work with you!

Happy Saturday!



  1. Congratulations Hungry for Living!

    Sorry for the internet troubles. I hate when that happens. :(

  2. Congrats to the winner!

    Also sorry for the internet troubles. I've been having those too!

  3. Oh Laura - I'm starting to feel like a broken record . . . I replied again to the e-mail you sent earlier. I sent it to the other e-mail address from a different e-mail address. Hoping that does the trick. Let me know. What's up with computers lately? ;)

  4. Following you from Friendly Friday Follow!! Hopefully you can stop by my blog and do the same! http://theartsymom.tk


Thank you for coming along for the ride with me. Your comments make my day!