I have found that God is often in the little things. In the delicate things. In the things we sometimes overlook. In the challenges that make us stronger.
I have found God in many, many things and people and situations.
Where have you found God?
Here's where Jami (from Call Me Blessed) finds God...
I can remember a time when I thought God was only in the big things. Things like my four beautiful children or my Mom being cancer free. I'm so thankful that now I see Him in everything. I love to point out the little things to my kids, because it helps me to see God in the details.
These are just some of the ways God showed up in our lives this week...
Having fresh fruit to enjoy this Summer. I love to be able to give my family something healthy and sweet.
Watching my hubby teach my oldest a new skill...and being able to witness him master it.
Seeing my baby boy adjust to his full leg cast. I love that it didn't hold him back. He found joy in not so ideal circumstances.
All the volunteers and children at Vacation Bible School. Sharing the gospel with these little people and seeing the love the volunteers have for them is amazing! By default I became the official photographer which means I had pleasure of seeing God in lots of little moments.
Are you taking the time to find God in the little things? As Isaiah 42:5 says, He is the one "who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and all that comes out of it, who gives breath to it's people, and life to those who walk on it."
He is in everything...always.

Where have you found God?
what a lovely post!!