24 January 2010

You Capture...Love Around Your Home

One of my favorite blogs I Should Be Folding Laundry hosts You Capture, a weekly photo challenge. I've enjoyed seeing and reading about all the beautiful photos out there...and this week I decided to join the challenge.


This week: Love Around Your Home

This was such a tough challenge. As I walked around our apartment, all I could find were signs, symbols, treasures, and memories of love. From wedding and family pictures, to cherished tokens, and new finds to old favorites.

When I really think about love, there is a love that transcends them all...the love of Jesus Christ for us. Kyle and I have tried to infuse our apartment with the things that we value and hold very close. We want visitors to feel comfortable in our home and know that we have built a home on God's love.

In our living room.
On my jewelry board in the bedroom.
On the bookshelf.
On the fridge. [The "cookie" was given to us in church as a reminder that God is real...like when we were little and "Santa" took a bite out of the cookies we left him to let us know he visited.]

In our dining nook. [This picture was made by our good friends Jackie and Emily. They glued scrabble letters to spell out important words to Kyle and I and then framed it for us.]

That's the love I found around our home. All the other things that I love in my home [my husband, our treasures, my students who live just feet from our front door] are proof of God's love.


  1. Great photos! That is the most interesting cross I've ever seen. The scrabble board is awesome...so special!

  2. Oh my goodness! I just LOVE the gift your friends made you. How special! I also love your Bible verses in your jewelry box! I need to put some verses around our house so we can start memorizing again. We haven't done that in a while and it is so necessary! Thank you for this reminder!

  3. You captured lots of love indeed, Laura! These are beautiful pictures! Do you mind me asking what kind of camera you use?

  4. Thanks for the comments everyone! Emily, I have an inexpensive camera from Walmart (it's a little sony point and shoot). I use picnik.com to edit my photos. It's really fun and easy (and free!).

  5. Hi Laura! My name is Charity and I stumbled on your blog via You Capture at ISBFL. I love your pictures and more importantly I love the theme that's running through them. And isn't Crazy Love an amazing book? God has used Francis Chan through that book, for sure! You can tell a lot about someone through their blog, huh? ;)

  6. I love this project you are doing and yet again, im reminded that I need to read CRAZY LOVE by Chan. I have been told by SO MANY PEOPLE to read it!

  7. LOVE that first picture and Crazy Love!


Thank you for coming along for the ride with me. Your comments make my day!