20 February 2010

My Favorite Place in the World

I absolutely love the grocery store. I always have. When I was little, my dream was to be a "checker at Carrs" (the local grocery store in Anchorage, Alaska where I grew up). I had a toy cash register and I had to ring up all the groceries before my mom could put them away. I would announce into the blue plastic microphone, "carry-out on aisle 4."

In high school my dream came true...I was a cashier at Giant Eagle. I was a master of the produce codes, a wiz at the cart return, and an expert at the double bag.

Although my cashier days are far behind me, I still have a shopping cart shaped place in my heart for the grocery store. Every Monday night Kyle and I venture to our favorite store. It took a while for us to commit, but after 6 months, we have found the perfect grocery for us. Armed with our reusable bags, calculator, and shopping list, we enter my favorite place in the world.

Ok, I'm being a bit dramatic. Although it might not be my favorite place, I really do love making a trip to the grocery store. My favorite department? Produce. Monday night I was the crazy girl with the camera, snapping pictures of the bright reds, greens, oranges, and and yellows..

Sometimes when life as a hall coordinator gets rough, I long for the simpler days of scanning cans and boxes and asking "paper or plastic?"


  1. You had it made at Giant Eagle. My days at Bilo weren't nearly as glamorous.

  2. Wow, I love these photos of the fruit and veg. I wish I had the courage to go and take photos in a shop.

  3. Ahaha this post made me laugh! Ahh the days of Giant Eagle and being front end coordinator - those were the good days! /sarcasm


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