28 March 2011

Praying for Each Other

Each Monday I will be posting prayer requests so that we can hold one another up and pray for each other throughout the week.

You can e-mail your prayers requests to me at iamalongfortheride[@]gmail[.]com. Feel free to e-mail today and I can add them. If you e-mail me throughout the week, I will post them next Monday.

Wendy: I'm taking my Comprehensive Exam for my Master's Tuesday at 10am (Central Time).  My prayer is that I'll easily recall the material I've been looking over and that I won't be worried or nervous before the exam.

Kelly-Jo: My husband and I are in the ministry and we are looking to do a private adoption and the finances of the adoption seem to be a brick wall to us; can you please pray that God will provide for the finances and that He shows us the way as we travel down this path, and that we stand patiently awaiting what He has for us. I also would love it if you pray that the adoption runs smoothly without any glitches-thank you so much!!! Oh the babies due date is Sept 24, 2011:)

Maria: For the soul of my dear friend's mother who passed away this month after a very short battle with cancer. And for me, as I'm returning to work this week after 3 months on disability with a shattered ankle.

Kallie: My prayer request is for myself, I just got a new job and it's really out of my comfort zone. I would love it if you could just pray for me to trust God in all of this, that he would open or close doors and that I will persevere through the tough part of starting something new.

Laura: I could use prayer this week for my husband. He has three tests this coming Friday for an awesome job at P.G.&E. (If you don't know what that is, it is a huge utility company on the west coast.)  So my prayer request is that he will pass the tests, get to the interview round, that if it is God's will, He will open doors, and that if it is or isn't this job, that my husband will find a job that he has a passion for, feels appreciated at, and is recognized and compensated for his time, effort, and skills.

Sue: First, I request a prayer for a couple of families who have children in the hospital waiting for heart transplants.  My daughter received a heart in July 2009 and she is now a thriving two year old.  There are two families with daughters in the hospital whose blogs I follow - I request a prayer that the girls will remain strong while waiting for their new hearts and that they will receive their gifts of life soon.  The second prayer is for myself and seems insignificant in comparison, but I have really been struggling with keeping my life in balance and being able to handle all of my work duties, home responsibilities, parenting responsibilities, etc.  I would just like some extra help with managing, prioritizing and feeling better about my capabilities in doing what I need to do.

Traci: I would really appreciate it if you all would pray for my friend, Miah (short for Jeremiah =D), who's moving to Wyoming on April 1st to work on his uncle's ranch for a year. Pray that he will stay strong in the Lord, and be a blessing to those that he'll be around during his stay, especially to his uncle (his employer). :-) And pray for us "back home," especially his family, as he's leaving his family's farm to do this; pray that it won't be a burden to them to have to take over his work this year.
Katrina: I'm having some really "trying" days this week. I would really like God's peace, mercy and grace to fall upon myself on Wednesday & Friday. I know whatever the outcome that God will be glorified!

Samantha: Would you please pray Tyler, my boyfriend, he is very overwhelmed financially and we are waiting on God to relieve his burden. Also, please pray for one of my students (unnamed for confidentiality), we have been concerned for her physical well being and we have become concerned with her home life.

Melody: I have 3 grown daughters, 2 of these have decided to go on a mission trip this July to Africa. They will be working in orphanges doing a VBS. They will be traveling together which helps me (momma) not worry as much for their safety. My prayer: first they need to turn in all their funds for the airplance tickets and stuff, by the end of May. They are doing a talent show this weekend with free-will offerring being taken and some car washes over the next few weekends but, they are still in need of funds. I pray that the funds will be made available for them. I pray for their safety as they travel and work with these children in Africa and that they will be blessed by this work they will be doing as well as reaches and blessing the children they will be working with.


  1. blessed be the name of the Lord.
    thank you laura.

  2. Thanks for doing this. I just posted on my blog today about the importance of persevering in prayer!

  3. Thank you for your prayers! And to anyone else who prayed!

  4. Thanks for your prayers everyone! :) I feel like I did really well on my test and I'll find out sometime next week how I did and if I need to retake any portion of it! :)


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