Those feelings are creeping up again- feelings of inadequacy.
I thought I would repost this for me as much as for you.
When I read all your beautiful blogs, and look at your amazing pictures, and admire your gorgeous outfits, and ooo and awe over your wonderful handmade goodies, usually I feel...
- amazed at all the crafty women out there
- excited about your new baby and adorable kiddies
- ready to try your new recipe
- thrilled with how your latest project turned out
- proud that we are bloggy buddies!
But sometimes I feel...
Have you ever heard the Ben Folds song, there's always someone cooler than you?
Like you've got nothing to prove
No matter what you might do
There's always someone out there cooler than you
It's a pretty good song. It has a few swearsies in it, though. And I'd like to point out that the song ends with the lyrics "nerds gone wild, yea yea yea."
Anyway, the point is that blogging is a great big world of amazing people. And sometimes it's easy to feel, well, not quite as amazing as the rest.
Have you ever felt this way? How do you give yourself a bloggy boost of self confidence?
Here's a few words I turn to when I feel like I'm not up to snuf.
"There are different kids of gifts, but the same spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men." 1 Corinthians 12: 4-6
"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in Glory." Colossians 3: 1-4
In all things we were created for uniquely beautiful purposes. In our bloggy lives, our home lives, our family and wifey and mommy lives. I love showing you a glimpse into my life. There will always be cooler bloggers than me, but I'm just going to keep on smiling.
You can read the original post here.
You can read the original post here.

Thank you so much for posting this, I struggle so much with feeling inadequate! Sometimes we just all need to be reminded how much we are valued.
ReplyDeleteThank u for your honesty and authenticity in this important post. And I abso love the scripture u cited to encourage us. I know how u feel, Laura. I've been somewhat lately by the lack of comments on some of my creative posts. But then I'll see one downloaded or another pinned. Just not feeling the love sometimes. But I try to remind myself that I started blogging for myself and everything else is icing on the cake! I know that God makes us completely unique, each w something special to offer the world. This is certainly true w u and your lovely blog. Here's a quote u may like:-George Prince : "Another word for creativity is courage." You have faith, creativity, and courage, my friend and u inspire me! Thanks again for sharing n caring. Love and hugs, Laurie from Scene of the Grime
ReplyDeleteYes, thank you thank you for reposting this. I'm only just starting to get committed to blogging and hoping to start up an Etsy shop and it certainly is intimidating! Thank you for reminding me (again) that this is not about me being the best at blogging (or whatever esle) but about me sharing the gifts He's given me with others. Thank you dear. I just discovered your blog and LOVE it.
ReplyDeleteOh girl, I've been there. But you know what, there is only one blogger like you. Only you can bring what is on your heart. We are each unique. I struggle with these feelings too. I just try to be the best blogger me that I can be!
ReplyDeleteI feel this way now and then, too. My attitude when I read others' blogs wavers between feeling motivated by what they're all doing, to feeling envious about how they're all doing it and what they have. It's an ugly side of myself, but it helps when I hear others share similar feelings. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteAt least you're not alone feeling like this, I'm sure everyone's been their. When I'm feeling inadequate I just need to remind my self that if everyone could do everything they felt they wanted to than there would be no uniqueness, which is completely against what I stand for. Different is good.
ReplyDeleteGood post and an even better blog.
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ReplyDeleteIt is so human to compare ourselves to others. It's hard to remember to see ourselves as God does rather than what we perceive. I sometimes feel jealous when I see blogs began long after mine did, with many more followers or sponsors...but I can only do what I can. I just have to be who I am, enjoy what I've been blessed with, and choose to be content. I often pray to see things through God's lens, rather my limited vision. Hang in there. You are a beautiful woman who creates beautiful things.
ReplyDeleteHi, Laura! I'm delurking today at Leslie's (Top of the Page) suggestion.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the honesty of this post. I do not blog, but I follow many of them, mostly as a lurker! I often feel super inadequate after reading updates through my google reader. Also, I have a friend who is amazingly great at everything she does. I frequently feel like her and I are in some kind of crazy competition as to who is a better cook, crafter, or just a better person in general. It's CRAZY!
I felt totally convicted when I read the following in Rob Bell's : "Coveting is the disease of always wanting more, and it's rooted in the a profound dissatisfaction with the life God has given you. Coveting is what happens when you aren't at peace." Whoa! It hit me like a ton of bricks - I am completely blessed in MY life, and others are differently blessed in THEIR lives. I pray that I can see myself and others through God's eyes and not my own.
Thank you for posting this and reminding me I am not alone in my feelings. Your blog is definitely a blessing and an inspiration to me!
I definitely struggle with this from time to time! It's so easy to compare myself and feel like I'm not as good as others. When I feel like this, I try to step away from the computer because I'm usually spending too much time reading blogs and not enough time seeking God.
ReplyDeleteconstantly feeling inadequate because i can't get my blog to grow. thank you for posting scripture to combat those feelings of inadequacy.
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
ReplyDeleteI also have that kind of feeling, that the other bloggers are better, cooler or just more creative or something like this, than I am. But I think that is totally ok, because it would be such a boring world if we would all be the same.
Thanks for sharing this post with us!
Have a blessed day! <3 Nina
i can SO relate to this.. i usually feel more jealous than anything else when i come upon a blog "cooler than mine." thank you for the uplifting post & for the reminder to keep our hearts on things above. and yes, i remember that ben folds song, i thought it very clever.
ReplyDeleteenjoy your sunday laura :)
Inadequacy, the gift that keeps on giving and that no one wants to recieve. Love the scriptures you shared!
ReplyDeleteWonderful post! In the creative field, I think everyone faces this. The way I fight this feeling is to 1. (like you said) Be grounded in Christ and confident in my unique purpose; 2. Instead of checking out everyone's blogs daily, take time off and use it to create something new. Having so much 'inspiration' available at the fingertips can often actually stiffle my creative habits.
ReplyDeleteso so true!! and you are COOL lady!! but i totally understand the feeling, thank you for the reminder friend!