10 July 2011

Sunday Morning

It's barely 2pm where I am, and it's already been a great day.

[blueberry shaker...more on that later]

The hubby and I headed to the farmer's market.

Grabbed a quick breakfast.

And headed to church.

The only thing left to this perfect day is a nap in the sun.


  1. Oh, WOW! Look at all that goodness! :) Made me smile! (Visiting from The Simple Things.)

  2. yess. that sounds like the most perfect sunday morning to me! hubby and i went to church, had lunch with my parents on a patio overlooking a river, and now it's nap time :D

  3. Wow, all those farmer's market goodies look amazing! I love going to farmer's markets in the summer!

  4. That food looks so yummy. That drink looks pretty awesome too. Anything in a mason jar is awesome, though.

  5. yummy summer foods! that blueberry shaker looks interesting. can't wait to see what that's about:)

  6. Love the Farmer's Market! Sounds like a perfect morning!

  7. looks like a perfect morning to me! I just love markets and can't wait to hear about the blueberry shaker....I <3 blueberries!

  8. your photos are so beautiful Laura! :) lovin' your sweet blog! Rebecca

  9. this looks like a wonderful day! wish i was there with ya :) great photos, really scream out summer time to me, love them! have a great week!

    katie@little things bring smiles


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