07 January 2012

Day 7: Journaling Through January

What are you grateful for this new year? Make a list and considering adding to it throughout the month as you become aware of God's abundance in your life.


  1. I am so grateful that my son found such a wonderful wife to share his forever with!

  2. Great blog! I work towards having a positive attitude (notice the word "work") and try to thank God daily for the many blessings we have. When I do that, it helps me put things in perspective to be truly thankful for even the small stuff too.

  3. Love the title, "Along for the ride.." Such a cute idea.
    I am thankful for many things as well. Especially, my children's health...we are so blessed!

    New follower here.

  4. I randomly stumbled across your blog through a Google search and I think it is great!! I have a kind of random question since I noticed you have Pinterest. I have been trying to get a Pinterest account but its been two weeks and they still haven't send an invite. Can members send people invite? If so could you send me one at babygurljrl23@gmail.com. I am dying to get on Pinterest!! Anywho, I am now Following your blog and you on Twitter:) I would love for you to stop by and Follow back at:


    Have a great day!

  5. When I pray, I ask God for grace and favor. I'm grateful because I know that I'm highly favored and everyday I can see how God clears my path! I am blessed and exited for this new year!


Thank you for coming along for the ride with me. Your comments make my day!