25 January 2012

The Other Day...

- The other day I locked the cat in the closet without knowing it. After a half hour of her crying and me yelling "come here Jupiter," it occurred to me she was crying from the inside of the dark linen closet.

Mommy's sorry Jupey!

- The other day I finally finished our perpetual calendar, just a few days late I suppose.

- The other day I announced I would no longer be selling cabochon jewelry after my current items are sold. I marked it all down and listed a special discount code! You can see them here.

- The other day I realized that a banana, a cup of yogurt, a splash of milk, and a handful of ice cubes makes the best smoothie ever.

- The other day I found jenna rose, uncommon handmade, and jeanette zeis ceramics on etsy and I'm in love with their shops!

- The other day I accidentally got in the shower with my glasses on and then proceded to try to wash my face. It was the most confusing few seconds of my life.

- The other day I made this after pinning it to Pinterest. I bought the wrong kind of tortellini and added way too much edamame so Kyle and I had soy beans with some sausage for dinner. Meh.

- The other day I learned that edamame is really easy to make and is better for you than chips as a late night snack.

- The other day I signed up for a craft fair with a week and a half to prepare. Yea, oh my.

- The other day a friend of mine blew my mind with the way she explained a scripture verse about prayer. More to come on that soon.


  1. Funny about the glasses in the shower...I have done that too! Which craft show are you going to be at?

  2. Laughed out loud at the glasses comment - haha!

    About the craft show - I did that, too, back in November and it was insane! I hope it's successful for you. :)

  3. This is a great post! I laughed too about the shower with glasses thing. Yep - done that. :)

  4. I love edamame as a snack! So good :)


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