28 March 2012

Spring Cleaning: Bathroom

I hate cleaning the bathroom. It gets so gross and never stays clean for long.

But this week I attacked it and came out victorious.

The details:
- scrubbed shower and toilet (outsourced to hubby)
- pulled everything out of every drawer, cleaned drawer
- purged makeup (find out when to throw away here)
- threw away old or never used lotions and potions
- everything back in with a home

- washed walls (I use a lot of hairspray...)
- emptied counter top and cleaned
- cleaned mirror
- scrubbed sink and fixtures
- cleaned each item before putting it back on the counter

- emptied cabinets and ruthlessly went through storage bins and baskets
- purged old or never used items
- grouped similar items together into baggies (chapsticks, dental floss)
- refolded towels and washcloths

- Swiffered floor
- mopped floor using an all natural floor cleaner (a mix of vinegar, water, and dishwashing soap)
- hand scrubbed hard to reach places

The bathroom after.

And me after.

And some tips:
- Use non-toxic cleaning products. It took me a long time to clean everything and I was in the bathroom with the cleaning smells for a while. You don't want to be breathing in bad chemicals! We use Method brand products and love them.

- Try natural homemade cleaning products. A great list can be found here. They're safer and cheaper.

- Be ruthless and throw, throw, throw. If you have to ask yourself "why did I buy this?" "when did I buy this?" or "when was the last time I used this?" it's time to go.

- Make organization make sense to you. Yes, the drawer I showed you may look a little crazy, but I need to have everything at hand that I need to get ready in the morning. I don't want to waste time looking around. And if it's not easy for me to put right back, I'm more tempted just to leave it on the counter.

Do you have any bathroom cleaning tips and tricks?


  1. Found you via live.laugh.rowe. Adorable blog! I actually work at a University. So it sparked my curiosity when I saw you are what we typically call an RA. Nice to 'meet' you. My best bathroom cleaning tip is to assign the chore to my 20 year old daughter. ;-) LOL

  2. This has to be one of my absolute least favorite chores EVERRRRRR!!! I purged my bathroom drawers and cabinets a couple months ago, but I'm thinking I may have to revisit...there's some old stuff I kept. I don't know why. Definitely time to clean again at the very least! :) Good job!


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