22 April 2013

Don't Blink

I've heard the saying "the days are long but the years are short." The months are short, too.

Don't blink or you'll miss them.

I have no idea where my tiny baby went because I think Sam became a little boy this weekend.

On Saturday, Samuel:
- rode in his stroller the big boy way (without his car seat)
- ate his first meal in the highchair
- ate puffs
- tried to sit up a few times
- wore big boy pajamas to bed (the two-piece kind because I couldn't find onesie pajamas in 12 months. oh and my 6th month old wears 12 month pjs, wow)

Watching Sam grow is such a gift -- looking at his first ultrasound photo where he is a tiny poppy seed and now watching him roll and wiggle across the living room floor.

You are my joy, Samuel Noel, my absolute joy.


  1. It's so true - it just goes by so quickly. We are sending invites for his first birthday in the next week. How did my baby become a big boy? I love every single stage the best ;), but it's also so bittersweet.

  2. I kind of love you both so much.


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