31 May 2013

Quiet Living

I didn't intend to take such a long blog break, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel good to be disconnected a bit.

There's been a lot of quiet living going on lately. Offline living. Sweet days with Sam. Warm evenings in the garden. Time with friends and family. Preparing for upcoming vacations.

There's also been a lot of simplifying. Simplifying our home, our minds, our attitudes.

I feel quite different as a matter of fact. I've been doing a lot of thinking these past few weeks and I think a lot of things have changed in my heart on how I see the stuff of my life. It feels good, great actually!

I'd love to know: Have you tried to disconnect and simplify more lately? If so, how has it benefited you and your family?


  1. I have been trying to simplify more for sure. Decluttering...only keeping what I love. I've taken multiple bags of "stuff" to the thrift store. I have not been able to disconnect because of work and long-distance family obligations, but that is coming to a close (at least the work part), so hopefully I can disconnect a bit as well. I didn't realize just how frazzled and totally tense I was until I started to do small things and saw what a huge difference they made. Looking forward to this being my "summer of simplifying"!

  2. I've been really toying with this idea more and more, especially with so much fun during the summer. I have been trying to disconnect more throughout the week, since I only have weeknights with my Henry-boy. It helps a lot. But Instagram is one thing I haven't been able to cut the cord with.

  3. I'm preparing for some serious disconnecting once this baby gets here! I've been on IG less and even forgot my phone the other night when we went on our hospital tour (totally uncharacteristic of me). I'm pretty excited to soak up time offline and especially disconnect my work email from my phone!


Thank you for coming along for the ride with me. Your comments make my day!