01 January 2014

Welcome 2014

Happy New Year and a jolly welcome to 2014.

2013 was the first full year as a family of three. We went on our first family vacation, fell in love with hiking, spent time tending to our garden. Sam learned to crawl, took his first steps, cut 8 teeth, learned how to say "ball," loves to give kisses, and is growing more amazing every day.

I've spent a little bit of time thinking about the new year and what I'd like to bring to 2014. Yes I have a few resolution-type things that I'll share later, but I think the biggest thing I want to do is better document my family -- this journey we're on. I want to preserve the memories and well, take more pictures.

I'm going to try take a picture every day. Ok, just writing that scares me. But I'm going to try really hard.

A picture a day for a whole year.

I even started it a day early.

[Now I didn't say it would be an exciting picture a day for a whole year.]

Sam and Jupiter, reunited, and sharing cheerios. Seriously, Jupiter loves them. She kept trying to sneak them out of his bowl and he was pushing her away. He was yelling "bup" at her, which is his word for just about everything.

I'd love to know: how do you document your family? How do you make sure to take pictures?


  1. Love this post, Laura! Funny enough, I plan on taking a picture a day too! Are you going to share the pictures in some way or just keep them for yourself? I haven't decided yet if I'm going to deluge my blog with tons of photos or just post them to Instagram or something.

  2. Yay! I'm going to try to share them on my blog weekly just to keep my accountable. What about you? I'd love to see them!

    1. I've decided that I'm going to post them every week on my blog too--nothing too overwhelming and a nice way to keep them all together. In fact, I posted my first set today :)


  3. I'm a over-picture-taking person who's actually trying to do the opposite that you are - take less photos. At this point, it has just gotten distracting. But I think it's all about balance. And as for taking more photos, I find that just getting in a habit is the first step. And having a way to actually use the photos is great, too. I try to make a giant photo book each year and also use photos for the blog.

    Good luck!

    1. I'd love to make a photo book for each year. Maybe that will be another goal!

  4. I usually rely on grammie to take the photos because she has a "nice" camera. However we did buy a memory card for our camera so we can take more photos of our precious girl.

    1. Yay, now we can both take more pictures. I want to make sure I don't forget anything!


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