07 April 2014

Hello Monday

Heavens, I've let this place get dusty again.

We're getting over our winter blues as it seems like spring is here to stay -- today's April showers of proof of that.

Today I'm saying hello to another work week. Trying to cram in many, many things to not enough hours.

Hello colorful spot on my desk and a love note from my honey. Did you know that Kyle and I work in the same building? Amazing how things work out.

Hello morning routine. I'm the first one in the office in the morning. Before taking off my coat, I make coffee.

Work has been quiet, and there are times I wish I was back at home with Sam. But the routine is nice. Our family does so much better on a schedule, and working and daycare provide that for us.

What are you saying hello to this week?


  1. It's wonderful that you two can work in the same building! What a sweet note!

    This week, I'm saying hello to fresh beginnings, a little bit of change, and a lot of perseverance!


Thank you for coming along for the ride with me. Your comments make my day!