22 September 2012

Real, Beautiful Bernadette

Bernadette from Barefoot Hippie Girl

I don't usually feel beautiful-not in life, and especially not in pictures. The smile is too big, the boobs are to big, etc. etc.. But this picture is me in the kitchen, on a Saturday, doing what I love-cooking for my family. My shirt was a new one with cute ruffles on it, and I had paired it with a short kaki skirt. I felt feminine, and loved. I was jiving to my favorite tunes on Pandora Motown, and I was happy. 

I think that is what makes me feel beautiful-dressing nice, doing what I love-surrounded by the people I love. My husband tells me I'm beautiful. He tells me I'm beautiful with bed head. With wet hair from a run. In my running duds, or dressed up for a date. And his unconditional love and declaration of my beauty has given me confidence. 

I feel eternally beautiful when I am full of God's peace, joy and contentment. When He has filled my heart to over flowing in gratefulness for His abundant blessings. When I know that I am a loved daughter of God. Nothing can shake that.


You're beautiful, inside and out, I'd love to feature you here! Email me at laura.c.denlinger @ gmail . com with a photo of a time you felt really beautiful. Tell me what makes you feel beautiful and what makes you feel eternally beautiful. For more details go here.

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